Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009


I really enjoyed both Gregory Crewdson and Teun Hocks’s artwork. I like the lonely, almost existential feeling characteristic of Crewdson’s images. Almost all of his pieces feature a lone figure, illuminated from a dark background by a sharply contrasting spotlight. This produces a sad and dramatic effect. I like how he was able to manipulate the photos to make them have a more painterly feel, but yet still seem realistic at the same time. By doing this, Crewdson was able to a more vibrant reality. Though stylistically different, Teun Hock’s artwork is equally impressive. While Crewdon seems to enhance reality, Hock changes it completely. Instead of keeping the entire photo intact, he tends to remove the background and replace it with his own. I admire his artistic talent and creativity in composing his work. His compositions are ironic, and many seem to make bold statements. I like the surrealism he incorporates. Jeff Wall and Cindy Sherman, on the other hand, do not thrill me quite as much as the other two artists. While I do appreciate their artistic merit, I do not think they are as visually stimulating as Gregory Crewdson or Teun Hock.